B-Shape TMC
Do you want to eliminate localized fat in specific areas in a
non-invasive and fast?
Discover an innovative technology to sculpt your figure and promote weight loss. B-Shape TMC is the ideal solution! By targeting both fat and muscle, B-Shape TMC sessions effectively stimulate your metabolism.

Check out the statistics proving its effectiveness:
18% gain in muscle mass
11% increase in tone
Increased metabolism
20% reduction in body fat
Sculpt your body effortlessly
In addition to increasing muscle mass and promoting sustainable weight loss, this technology helps reduce localized fat in specific areas.

The results are visible from the FIRST SESSION, thanks to the electromagnetic pulses emitted for 60 minutes, generating 40,000 to 160,000 muscle contractions.
To date, B-Shape TMC is the only technology to target both fat reduction and muscle mass increase: two key elements for effective body contouring.
Get a slim and toned silhouette QUICKLY , EFFECTIVELY and LASTINGLY with B-Shape TMC!

Before and After

Most Frequently Asked Questions
What is B-Shape T.M.C. technology?It is important to know that the “B-Shape TMC” refers to Tesla High Intensity Electromagnetic Contractions technology. But why “Tesla”? Because the famous Nikola Tesla allowed the scientific community to prove that magnetic waves are safe for humans. Not only are they safe, but they also offer several benefits. In fact, B-Shape TMC technology is now renowned for its unmatched effectiveness in body reshaping!
How does it work?B-Shape TMC is a non-invasive body contouring method that combines localized fat reduction with muscle strengthening. This treatment sends supramaximal waves to a specific area to induce muscle contractions. These waves target the motor nerves, triggering supramaximal contractions that activate even muscles that are rarely used. It is also important to note that this technology comes from the medical field. It is therefore safe for your health, because it only targets skeletal muscles. Smooth and cardiac muscles are not affected by the waves.
Are the treatments painful?No. The device causes a supramaximal contraction of some of your muscles using direct waves (electromagnetic frequencies). What you will feel is simply an intense contraction of the targeted muscle groups. However, it is possible to feel slight muscle soreness after the treatment. This is completely normal and results from the production of lactic acid during the session.
Can the B-Shape T.M.C. target only certain parts of my body?Yes! This technology is designed to target specific muscle groups. For example, your esthetician can focus only on your glutes, inner thighs, abs, or any other area where you want to achieve more tone and reduce fat.
Are there any contraindications?Yes. Certain superficial conditions, such as burns, open wounds, or the presence of a pacemaker or metal implants, are contraindications for B-Shape TMC treatments. Rest assured, your esthetician will conduct a health check with you before starting treatments to ensure that you can fully benefit from the many advantages offered by B-Shape TMC technology.
What makes this technology so effective?To date, B-Shape TMC remains the only technology capable of simultaneously targeting the reduction of fat mass and the increase of muscle mass, two essential factors for effective body contouring. Of course, this type of treatment is even more effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity.